Research Information System. Publication Network. Postoperative analgesic effect of lumbar erector spinae plane block for developmental hip dysplasia surgery: a randomized controlled double-blind study Cirak H. Comparison of the lateral sagittal and costoclavicular approaches for ultrasound-guided infraclavicular block in pediatric patients: a prospective randomized study. Brazilian journal of anesthesiology Elseviervol. Ultrasound guided quadro-iliac plane block: another novel fascial plane block Tulgar S. Serratus posterior superior intercostal plane block: novel thoracic paraspinal block for thoracoscopic and shoulder surgery. Ciftci B. Minerva anestesiologicavol. Serratus posterior superior intercostal plane block: novel block for minimal invasive cardiac surgery -A report of three cases- Bilal B. Korean Journal of Anesthesiologyvol. Postoperative recovery scores and pain management: a comparison of modified thoracolumbar interfascial plane block and quadratus lumborum block for lumbar disc herniation ALVER S. Optimal techniques of ultrasound-guided superficial and deep parasternal intercostal plane blocks - a cadaveric study Dost B. Letter to the editor: Anatomical evaluation of the superficial parasternal intercostal plane block Dost B. Ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block in coronary artery bypass surgery: the role of local anesthetic volume—a prospective, randomized study Demir Z. General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeryvol. Efficacy of transversalis fascia plane block as a novel ındication for varicocelectomy surgery: prospective randomized controlled study ÇELİK E. BMC Anesthesiologyvol. Analgesic benefits of pre-operative versus postoperative transversus abdominis plane block for laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a frequentist network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Dost B. Serratus posterior superior intercostal plane block for breast surgery: a report of three cases, novel block and new indication. Recto-intercostal fascial plane block: Another novel fascial plane block Tulgar S. Journal of Clinical Anesthesiavol. Is surgical anesthesia possible with three plane blocks in femoral neck fractures? The Novel Samsun combination. Tulgar S. Alici H. Flexus Hotel&spa Casino rib an alternative landmark for ESPB instead of a transverse process? Flexus Hotel&spa Casino Anaesthesiavol. Single shot regional anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomies: a systematic review and network meta - analysis. De Cassai A. Korean journal of anesthesiologyvol. Effects of ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia in cardiac surgery: a systematic review and network meta-analysis Dost B. From ultrasound to artificial intelligence: a new era of the regional anesthesia Ahiskalioglu A. Intravenous lidocaine vs. Important interaction between urethral taste bud-like structures and Onuf's nucleus following spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A hypothesis for the mechanism of dysorgasmia Caglar O. Postoperative analgesic effectiveness of ultrasound-guided transmuscular quadratus lumborum block in congenital hip dislocation surgery : A randomized controlled study.
Turk J Anaesth Reanim , vol. Turkish Journal of Anesthesia and Reanimation , vol. C - Office des Foires et O. TMS Messen - Kongres. Shenzhen Yawei Conve.
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