Sauerwein, G. The present little volume requires but few prefatory remarks in explanation of its purpose and arrangement. It is intended as a practical guide for those who may wish to converse or have to transact business with na tives of the Ottoman Empire. Into a book of this kind, whose size could not well be permitted to trans gress certain limitsit wasof courseimpossible and in fact unnecessary to admit every word of the English language. The author hopeshoweverthat the selection which he has made will satisfy the wants of the student and the travellerand that if anything of any importance be found missingthe desired infor mation may yet be obtained in most cases, by looking for a synonymous expression. In many cases, toowhen in order Kem Poker Cards British explain the full and exact meaning of an English word, a long definition would have been necessaryit has been thought more advisable to give a short and current expression, which, for Kem Poker Cards British practical purposes at leastmay be considered as a satisfactory equivalent. In such cases the literal meaning of the Turkish expression has generally been added in paren thesiswhich has also been resorted to in the case of words having more than one meaningin order to distinguish their various significations. Several abstract terms of the English language, par ticularly some derived from Kem Poker Cards Britishare expressedin colloquial Turkish at leastby a declined infinitive varying even according to the time referred torather than by one fixed and immutable word. In these, and in similar caseswhere the genius of the Turkish lan guage did not permit a direct translationa hint has generally been givento show what kind Kem Poker Cards British turn the idiom of the latter language prescribes. The Turkish language does notlike the cognate Hungarian, or the Englishpossess a separate form for adverbsderived from adjectives. Many adjectives arewithout any changeused as adverbs also ; e. On the other handsome derivative adjectives of the English language have to be expressed, in common Turkish at leastby an adverbial circum locutionwith the additionif standing before a sub stantiveof the termination kior olan beinggelen comingor a similar participle. This accounts for some cases in which an adjective has been left out in this dictionarywhereas the corresponding adverb has been given. Thuse. The substantives üst and alt, and the terminations e of the dative caseand da of the locative case are invariable in these examples; but the intervening pronominal affix varies. Attention has sometimes been called to this circum stance by adding examples of the application of an ex pression, e. Sometimestoothe phrase has been given with the pronoun of the third pers. With regard to prepositions, it will be remembered that there are strictly speaking none in Turkishbut only postpositionsfollowing the noun they govern, instead of preceding it as in English. Attention must also be paid to the peculiar mode in which Turkish verbs are frequently formed from Arabic, by adding the Turkish auxiliary etmek to make to an Arabic verbal substantiveor adjective. This is precisely analogous to the use which the Hindustani language makes of the verb karnā, and the Persian of kerden to makeand will therefore easily be under stood by those conversant with either of those langua ges. But it must be remembered that in Turkish the passive of such verbs is not formed from etmekbut by substituting olunmaq or olmaq for the etmek of the active form. Besides etmek and olunmaq, the verb qỹlmaq passive qỹlýnmaq is also employed in a simi lar way as an auxiliary. For all the purposes contemplated by this book the Turkish character has been deemed unnecessarythe more so as the Roman alphabet is so peculiarly adap ted to represent all the sounds of the Turkish and of its sister languages. Accordingly the Turkish words have been given in this character onlyby a simple system of transcription, which will be explained below. He is himself well aware of the defects and shortcomings of his work ; but he trusts that in spite of these, a little indulgence may be shown to itas having attemptedin the ab sence of any predecessor, so far as he knows, to strike out a path on the untrodden field of English Turkish lexicography. In the preparation of this volumebe sides his own recollections of Turkish reading and con versation, he consulted the works of Bianchi, Hindoglu, and Viguierto which authors, as well as to several friendswhose kindness has supplied him with some valuable suggestions, he begs to express his great obli gations. LondonApril The vowels aeiou are to be sounded as in Italian and German. Ö and ü represent the same sounds as in Hungarian and German, or very nearly the same as the French eu and u respectively. There isbe sides, an eighth vowel in Turkish, which has been ex pressed by ğ to distinguish it from the consonant y. This vowel approaches very nearly to the French e in le, me, or the Welsh y in fy, dy ; but its pronunciation, which is of the highest importance in speaking Turkish, ought to be carefully studie from the mouth of na tives. The ğ has sometimes been employed at the end of words, where perhaps i would have been more ex actprincipally for the sake of uniformity in writing the frequently occurring terminations jý and lī. The length of a vowel is expressed, as usual, by a line above it. But this Kem Poker Cards British only in Persian and Arabic words, as the Turkish language, strictly speaking, does not recognize a difference between long and short vowels. And in common lifeeven those Persian and Arabic words easily lose their distinctive quantities, though it is essential to an accurate pronunciationto preserve them. The pronunciation of the ay and ey the former a little broader than the second though approaching very nearly to that of the English i in mine, or the German ai and ei, is nevertheless not quite that of a diphthong. The y has a slight consonantal soundwhich must not be neglected. The consonants have been expressed as far as pos sible in accordance with the English pronunciationwhich renders only few remarks necessary. The French ç has been used to represent the Tur kish letter wothough its pronunciation scarcely differs at all form that of the uwi the English sharp s. K has been used to repressent the Turkish letter Jwhile the harder ö has been expressed by q, to be pronounced like the English c in can. The sound of the k is softer, and generally accompanied by a slight y as consonantfor which reason it has sometimes, though not quite regularlybeen expressed by ky or, occasionallyby ki. G represents the soft swhich on the whole cor responds to the English, and still better to the German, g, though sharing a little in the peculiarity of pronun ciation noticed in the kand having a tendency to be softened into a mere ywhich alsoand properlyre presents the Turkish s as consonantand has to be sounded very much the same as in the English word year.
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